"If they marched, if they fought, if they pushed the nation forward then, we MUST resist the nation going backwards now", quoted from a passage in "VOTING RIGHTS:If they fought then........." via YouTube. I'm sure many of US are against politics, and the idea of political correctness because we lack the rapport and or connection with any of these politicians whether its on a local, state, or federal level; but to choose not to participate in this years election is a HISTORICAL DISAPPOINTMENT. Unfortunately the candidates running for president have been chosen based on their fame, popularity and "celebrity" if you will, with tons of skeletons exposed by the media and its peers,but the act of casting a BALLOT validates OUR VOICE, position and ability to make a change and/or contribution to AMERICA and its questionable idealistic democracy. Furthermore dont let the SLAIN, go in VAIN. What do I mean by that? OUR ANCESTORS were killed, tortured, attacked, slain, raped, burnt, hung, beat, victimized, spat on, humiliated, imprisoned, mocked and mentally FXCKED for generations to come, just to provide US the opportunity to BE HEARD, TO BE INVOLVED, TO TAKE PART IN HISTORY. BLACK LIVES MATTER, ALL LIVES MATTER, YOUR LIVES MATTER, YOUR CHILDREN'S LIVES MATTER; and most importantly casting a ballot on NOVEMBER 8th matters to the past, future and present. I encourage US do or research, whether its by reading different novels, watching movies or searching youtube to understand the measures that were taken for this opportunity many take advantage of. Im more of a documentary and cinematic kind of girl so Ill suggest, SELMA, THE BUTLER, FREE STATE OF JONES & most recently I watched the empowering narrative Film via youtube called "Readings from the SLAVE NARRATIVES" The struggle they experienced, endured and overcome makes me want to take advantage of ever opportunity and kick down down every door. Does it infuse the same passion within yourself? IF NOT CHECK YOURSELF! Im pretty sure if you fought for something or worked for something you wouldn't want it go unnoticed? Especially if it meant your life! SO VOTE OR VOTE! #ImWithHer Id rather support the runner up than a LOSER. Trump is a LOSER on all levels.... Watch the polls, turn on CNN and get in tune with whats going on in reality not just its SHOWS. WE have to teach our children the TRUTH or no one else will. VOTE OR VOTE any other option is irresposible, IN MY OPINION. Stay blessed and health is wealth. Wisdom stems from experience, growth and discernment..... MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION to gain a piece of mind and wisdom;)